31 years old, 5’4″, 140 lbs, who seeks to enhance her abdominal contour and thighs after weight loss of 105 lbs. There is advanced laxity of skin, minimal separation of the abdominal muscles, and minimal excess fatty tissue present in the abdomen, and advanced laxity and descent of skin of the inner thighs extending from the groin crease to the knee, with minimal associated fatty tissue. She underwent an abdominoplasty and simultaneous thigh plasty, removing 400 cc of fatty tissue through liposuction, and 620 gm of excess skin and fatty tissue through direct surgical excision from the abdomen, and surgical excision of about 440 gm of excess skin and fatty tissue from each thigh, resulting in an aesthetic and smooth abdominal contour with improvement in skin laxity and ptosis, and resolution of the excess skin of her thighs, leaving a pleasing shape to the legs, and a beautiful silhouette.